Practice Areas

What We Are Expert At

Legal Practice Areas

Legal Advice
Antitrust Law
Banking Law
Contract negotiations

Legal Advice

Thanks to the wide range of abilities and extensive experience available through our practice, we are able to offer you substantial advice and comprehensive support with in many areas of law.

  • Antitrust Law
  • Banking Law
  • Business law
  • Commercial Law
  • Company Law
  • Competition Law
  • International Law
  • Real Estate and Property Law
  • Tax Law
  • Criminal law
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Antitrust Law

As an international commercial law firm, antitrust law falls within the scope of our business activities. We advise on corporate transactions, collaborations, start-ups and drafting contracts.

We also represent our international clients if antitrust law has been infringed or when enforcing claims against competitors.

  • Preventive counselling
  • Drafting contracts
  • Antitrust filing
  • Corporate transactions
  • Joint ventures
  • Merger control
  • Enforcing and fending off claims
  • Representation before the Bundeskartellamt, European Commission and courts

When it comes to mergers and acquisitions, collaborations and joint ventures as well as other transactions, it is important to be mindful of both national and international antitrust regulations in order to guarantee effective and diverse competition.

It is not mergers or acquisitions that first introduce the threat of sanctions under antitrust law but individual clauses within agreements which have the potential to infringe cartel law and competition law. This can, in turn, give rise to related penalties. This not only concerns international corporations; even arrangements between two smaller.

Banking Law

Banking Law

We provide comprehensive banking law consultancy and legal representation services for loans, current accounts, consultancy liability or asset management

Contract negotiations

Our law firm provides protection to bank customers. Our lawyers review contracts, find loopholes in contract clauses and put bank customers in a stronger position in their business transactions with banks.


If a bank customer is unable to service a loan, the bank will threaten foreclosure and cancellation of the loan. As a law firm, we advise you to use professional assistance for loans that are critical. We would recommend that you look for a lawyer who is familiar with banking law at an early stage. The sooner you are aware of the risks, the better our lawyers can help you to protect your rights and interests when obtaining loans.


Banks occasionally exploit personal relationships when arranging loans. In such cases, the bank may, for example, link the provision of credit to other persons, in addition to the borrower, being liable for repayment. These may be parents, siblings, spouses or life partners. These persons are referred to as loan guarantors or joint liability borrowers. What many people do not know: The courts have placed tight restrictions on banks for guaranteeing loans. Having loans guaranteed by close relatives is often immoral. The same applies to certain types of joint liability. Our lawyers will find out whether it is really compulsory for you to be liable for a loanز

Asset management

Do you want to place asset management in the hands of your bank? If so, we recommend that you first have a lawyer perform a legal review of the contracts. That will help you avoid a lot of trouble in the future. We also help if you have doubts about the asset management capabilities of your bank. Our firm will put your bank’s investment management operations under the microscope: has the bank violated investment guidelines? is there any evidence of excessive fees? or has the bank been rewarded by third parties without informing you about commissions? In such cases, our firm will help you to enforce your rights.

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